Week 3- OMG Omega 3

OMG Omega 3:
Polyunsaturated fats are widely regarded as "healthy fats". These are essential in our diets for a range of functions. There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 and omega-6. Some types of omega-3 and omega-6 fats can't be made by the body and are therefore essential in small amounts in the diet.
Omega-6 fats are found in vegetable oils. Omega-3 fats are found in oily fish.Good plant sources of omega-3 fats include flax seeds, walnuts, and canola or soybean oil.
Most of us get enough omega-6 in our diet, but we're advised to have more omega-3 by eating at least two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish. 
But why? What are the benefits of omega-3?
On paper write 6 bullet points about omega-3. Include the following:
  • The ratio of omega-3 to 6,
  • Which foods we should consume to up our intake,
  • The associated health benefits of omega-3.
You may find the following websites useful. If you choose to do your own research be aware that some website may not be reliable sources. Try to choose reputable sources that cite or reference scientific studies they are basing their claims on.


Add your bullet points to the comments section below along with any websites you found useful.
Fat Fanatic task:
Is salmon actually good for you? Have a look at the article and find out more about PCBs and dioxin that can accumulate in salmon tissue. This article may also be of interest http://www.catalystmagazine.net/brain-food-thinking-smart-about-the-fish-you-eat/ 
You may also find it interesting to read about the British scientists that are working to genetically modify a flax plant to produce omega 3.

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