Week 3- OMG Omega 3

OMG Omega 3: Polyunsaturated fats are widely regarded as "healthy fats". These are essential in our diets for a range of functions. There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 and omega-6. Some types of omega-3 and omega-6 fats can't be made by the body and are therefore essential in small amounts in the diet. Omega-6 fats are found in vegetable oils. Omega-3 fats are found in oily fish. Good plant sources of omega-3 fats include flax seeds, walnuts, and canola or soybean oil. Most of us get enough omega-6 in our diet, but we're advised to have more omega-3 by eating at least two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish. But why? What are the benefits of omega-3? Task: On paper write 6 bullet points about omega-3. Include the following: The ratio of omega-3 to 6, Which foods we should consume to up our intake, The associated health benefits of omega-3. You may find the following websites...